Neo Messtechnik strives to provide innovative and high-quality power quality products to fit their customers’ needs. A young company, but with extensive experience; more than 20 years of experience in the data acquisition market, more than 20 years of experience in the Power & Power Quality markets, and more than 20 years in hardware and software development.

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NEO Messtechnik PQA 8000 – Mobile Power Quality Analyzer

The NEO PQA8000 reflects our understanding of power grid applications of today – the most complete and reliable mobile Analyzer you will find on the market. Multi-Touch, 4 hours mobile operation and complying with Power Quality Standards and Grid Codes your measurement application requires. Class A Power Quality Analyzer for measurements and analyses way beyond EN50160.

The only instruments in the world measuring Supraharmonic currents and voltages up to 500 kHz.

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    NEO Messtechnik PQA 7000 – Mobile Power Quality Analyzer

    The NEO PQA7000 is the complete package mobile power quality analyzer. Featuring Multi-Touch, 6 hours mobile operation and complying with Power Quality Standards and Grid Codes your measurement application requires. Class A Power Quality Analyzer for measurements and analyses way beyond EN50160.

    NEO Messtechnik PQM 100 – Power Quality Monitor

    PQM-100 is based on a modular architecture, allowing combinations of one CPU module and up to 6 selected input modules into one device. The input modules are providing input signal isolation, filtering and A/D conversion. The CPU module is equipped with FPGA real-time controller for the calculation of all parameters and to provide all interfaces and data storage.

    NEO Messtechnik PQM 200 – Power Quality Monitor

    The PQM-200 is a computer-based Power Quality Monitor with up to 48 input channels. It combines functionalities of a Power Quality Monitor, Disturbance Recorder, Power Fault Recorder, Transient Recorder, Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) and high precision energy meter. The input modules are fully-isolated (isolation voltage 6kV) and provide a synchronized sampling rate of 144 kS/s per channel and 24-bit resolution. An Automatic Anti-Aliasing filter together with extremely low-noise ensures signal quality and signal processing.

    NEO Messtechnik PQM SCADA – Power Quality Management Software

    PQM-SCADA is the enterprise management software for Power Quality Analyzers and Disturbance Recorders. It is an easy-to-use software solution that allows the user to visualize live-data, historical data or reports. The multi-screen capability gives the user the ability to design their own visualization screens including the use of multiple monitors.

    User-management with different access and security levels is integrated, including the option for your customers to view limited data.

    NEO Messtechnik PV Master – Solar Photovoltaic Inspection

    The NEO PV Master products ensure quick and reliable inspection and evaluation of solar plants including a fully-automatic AI based system diagnostic. Up to 24 input channels with a rating of up to 1600V DC together with the smart IV-curve diagnostic function allows simultaneous evaluation of multiple PV strings and complete PV arrays.