Monarch RLS Rugged Laser Sensor

We’ve taken our hugely popular Remote Optical Laser Sensor (ROLS) and packaged it in a Rugged 316L SS IP67 rated enclosure. Although optical speed sensors require atmospheres that are clean and free of mist, steam, dirt, oil and other contaminants in order to function properly there are times when contamination can occur accidentally. The RLS utilizes a water tight M12 connector that facilitates easy removal for cleaning. With an operating range of up to 25 feet, the RLS can be used in applications where close proximity isn’t convenient or safe. The laser light source makes setup incredibly easy.

DEIF TAS-331DG – Selectable Transducer

  • Measures bi-directional current on AC networks
  • Class 0.5 measurement
  • Supply and measuring voltage up to 690 V
  • Pre-configuration or easy PC tool configuration
  • Configurable up to three output slopes

DEIF TAS-321DG – Selectable Transducer

  • Measures bi-directional current on AC networks
  • Class 0.5 measurement
  • Supply and measuring voltage up to 690 V
  • Pre-configuration or easy PC tool configuration
  • Configurable up to three output slopes