Introducing the Yokogawa DLM5000HD Series: Elevating Precision in High-Definition Oscilloscopes

Yokogawa Test & Measurement Corporation has introduced the DLM5000HD series high-definition oscilloscopes, a refined version of the DLM5000 series. This new series enriches Yokogawa's oscilloscope offerings with 500 MHz and 350 MHz frequency bandwidth models. These models offer enhanced resolution, fostering more precise waveform analysis, alongside features that bolster user-friendliness and simplify setup procedures.
The DLM4000 series, an eight-channel mixed-signal oscilloscope, released in 2012, and its successor, the DLM5000 series launched in 2020, gained popularity among developers in the electronic and mechatronic domains. However, as societal focus shifts towards decarbonization efforts, the demand for enhanced energy efficiency in components like motors, inverters, and clean energy systems such as solar power generators has risen. This demand is particularly pronounced in the power electronics sector, where the proliferation of next-gen power devices leveraging silicon-carbide (SiC) technology underscores the necessity for heightened measurement precision. Addressing these requirements, the DLM5000HD series presents multi-channel measurement support and improved vertical-axis resolution.
Key Features
The DLM5000HD series comprises two 8-channel models (DLM5058HD with 500 MHz bandwidth and DLM5058HD with 350 MHz bandwidth) as well as two 4-channel models (DLM5054HD with 500 MHz bandwidth and DLM5034HD with 350 MHz bandwidth).
One standout feature of the DLM5000HD series is its 12-bit vertical resolution, surpassing the existing DLM5000 series by a factor of 16. This elevated accuracy in waveform observation proves invaluable for next-gen inverter developers, enabling meticulous examination of rapid signal changes and the detection of potential anomalies.
Furthermore, the DLM5000HD series introduces an efficiency-enhancing capability: the serial bus analysis auto-setup function, capable of configuring optimal bit rates and threshold levels, can now be employed with previously captured waveforms. This innovation extends the functionality to low-frequency signals, optimizing in-vehicle bus development and evaluation tasks.
A major capacity augmentation comes in the form of data storage. The DLM5000HD series can accommodate up to 1 billion data points, double that of its predecessor. This capability permits storing historical data from up to 200,000 captured waveforms as reference waveforms*. This expanded memory facilitates the study of systems like braking mechanisms, demanding high sampling rates for milliseconds. Consequently, the efficiency of evaluation and analysis tasks is elevated.
Similar to the DLM5000 series, up to 16 analog channels and 64 bits of logic (eight 8-bit logic channels) can be measured using the dual-unit synchronous measurement (DLMsync) feature, which operates two 8-channel units concurrently. This setup enables simultaneous measurement of both analog and logic signals, aiding tasks like analyzing power-on sequences during electronic control unit debugging.
Primary Target Markets
- Automotive electronics
- Power electronics encompassing electronic components, inverters, and power generation systems
- Electronics domain including household appliances and air conditioning units
- Mechatronics sector covering industrial devices
- Design and assessment of electric and electronic circuits
- Development and debugging of semiconductors, electronic components, and embedded firmware
- Concurrent measurement of analog signals and bus signals adhering to standards like CAN, CAN FD, and other in-vehicle protocols
- Power analysis and validation of power electronics operations
- Simultaneous appraisal of high-speed and minimally fluctuating signals (e.g., communication and mechatronics signals)
Yokogawa DLM5000HD Series – Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes
- < 500 MHz bandwidth
- 12 bit Vertical Axis Resolution
- < 16 bit High Resolution Mode
- 4-8 analog channels, 32 bits of logic. Up to 16 channels while connecting 2 units for synchronous measurement.
- < 2.5 GS/s (8 channels at the same time)
- < 1 G points measurement memory
- 12.1″ touchscreen display