Conax Thermocouple Assemblies
Conax thermocouple assemblies represent the culmination of 60 years experience in the design and manufacture of temperature sensors. Conax thermocouple designs have proven their durability and reliability in applications ranging from large industrial processing plants to highly specialized laboratory testing and validation. Conax’s extensive knowledge of the science of temperature measurement and the physical properties of materials used for sheathing and insulation enables their sales engineers to recommend the most effective solutions to your application needs. Conax thermocouple assemblies offer a wide variety of termination styles and mounting fittings, as well as extensive choices in sensor calibration, sheath diameter and sheath material.
Conax Buffalo High Temperature Thermocouples are specifically designed for durability and reliability in high temperature applications to 4200° F (2315° C). Such applications generally involve oxidizing, reducing, inert gas or contamination atmospheres that challenge the life of the thermocouple. Conax brings more than 50 years of experience in the design and manufacture of temperature sensing devices to the selection of appropriate materials and designs to maximize the life and reliability of thermocouples in these environments. Conax custom designs thermocouples with special characteristics of materials used in the elements, sheaths and insulations, as well as integrating with standard configurations. For further assistance in determining the appropriate temperature sensing assembly for your application or for custom needs.
- Terminal Head Assembly – Assemblies with Head & Direct MountConax Buffalo provides high temperature assemblies with T5, T8, T11 and T12 termination heads in aluminum, stainless steel or cast iron to meet application needs. T5 termination heads meet NEMA 4 requirements providing protection against windblown dust and rain, splashing water, hose-directed water and external ice formation. (See page 11 for details on termination heads.) The sheath is affixed to the terminal head using a Conax Buffalo packing gland Type PG4 with lava sealant. Terminal heads with terminal blocks and gasket seal are rated to 275° F (135° C).
- Plug & Jack Assembly – (PJFC-Plug) Termination & Support TubeAn adjustable support tube offers flexibility for immersion adjustment while protecting the sheath from potential damage during installation. The rigid, thick wall offers additional support when penetrating the vessel/furnace wall. Standard polarized plug and jack termination for use with all calibration types. Plug and jack assemblies are made from molded glass filled thermoset compounds and are designed to operate in temperatures to 300° F (150° C). Polarity identification marks are molded in the bodies for installation assistance.
- T3/T4 Assembly – Leadwire Termination and Support TubeThis exclusive Conax Buffalo design provides a practically unbreakable connection between the leadwire and probe lead. The T3 epoxy-filled transition is supplied with Teflon-insulated extension wire as standard; silicone-impregnated fiberglass insulation is also available. Standard extension end leads are 24″ long (longer leads available on request). When the progressive description specifies 24 gauge probe wire, 20 gauge extension wire is standard. When the progressive description specifies 30 gauge probe wire, 24 gauge extension wire is standard. T4 termination provides a stainless steel overbraid for maximum flexibility and abrasion resistance. Available in all sheath materials and wire types. Both termination types function to 300° F (150° C) continuous temperature.
This section outlines the key choices needed to specify the correct Conax part description for your needs. In each case, you will be asked to select the:
- Sensor calibration
- Sheath material and size
- Tip configuration
- Termination style
- Optional mounting configuration
- Sheath length