GE / ITI JCK-5CER Series – Outdoor Current Transformers

  • Frequency: 60 Hz
  • Insulation Level: 15.5 kV, BIL 110 kV
  • Voltage: 2-1,500 A


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    900 McKay Road, Unit 2
    Pickering, Ontario
    Canada, L1W 3X8

    Phone: (905) 428-3413
    Toll Free: (800) 617-3413

    Do you have questions about how we can help your company? Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly.


    JCK-5C are manufactured in GE’s Clearwater, FL. plant utilizing state-of-the-art Automated Pressure Gelation (APG) process and Hydrophobic Cycloaliphatic Epoxy (HCEP) for the entire line of outdoor current transformers. Insulation levels meet or exceed those specified in IEEE C57.13. Dimensions meet IEEE C12.11. Superior designs, HCEP epoxy, and
    the APG process are combined to produce the highest quality and reliability available in the industry for outdoor applications

    GE’s Extended Range CT guarantees high accuracy performance over a wider range than the IEEE 0.15S accuracy class, further reducing the need for multiple ratios. For many metering applications, an increase in metered revenue can be expected when using an higher accuracy CT versus a standard CT. Extended Range units are particularly ideal for applications with a highly variable current load, such as renewable energy metering. IEEE 0.15S Metering Class: ±0.15 % Accuracy from 5 % to Rating Factor GE Extended Range: ±0.15 % Accuracy from 1% to Rating Factor


    • Meet requirements of IEEE C57.13
    • Meet requirements of CSA CAN3-C13
    • High accuracy and burden capability
    • Convenient mounting and wiring


    • Designed for outdoor service; suitable for operating meters, instruments, relays and control devices.