Texmate BN Series – Compact Digital Meter

  • 96x24mm
  • 3 1/2 or 4 1/2 Digit display
  • Slim case
  • Pin for pin functional replacement for the Newport model 215
  • Short depth case – just 2.83 inches (72mm) behind the panel.
  • Four user-selectable ranges of 200mV, 2V, 20V and 200V


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    900 McKay Road, Unit 2
    Pickering, Ontario
    Canada, L1W 3X8

    Phone: (905) 428-3413
    Toll Free: (800) 617-3413


    Do you have questions about how we can help your company? Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly.


    The BN series is a low cost pin-for-pin functional replacement for the Newport model 215, but with many more features. These DMMs are compact and are housed in a 96x24mm case with a short depth of just 2.83 inches (72mm) behind the panel. The BN series is powered by a non-isolated 5VDC with selectable voltage input ranges from 200mv to 200VDC.

    The BN series are accurate to ± (0.05% of reading + 1 digit) and are factory calibrated to your specification, from specialty ranges to zero offset inputs including 4-20mA signals.

    These economical digital meters are available with optional dummy (non-functional) right-hand side zero which allows the meter to display readings from –19990 to +19990 with 10 count resolution without going to the expense of a 4.5 digit meter.
    BN-Meters are the OEM’s choice for economical 1/16th DIN digital meters. For economy, each model is dedicated to a specific application and designed for quick and easy installation. The BN-Series is also available with a (1/8) DIN case, allowing it to be mounted in the same panel with the Lynx, Leopard and Tiger family digital meters.