Texmate SD Series – Ultra Short Loop Powered Meter

  • 96x48mm
  • 0.5″ LCD Display
  • Lockable front panel scaling and calibration
  • 4 to 20 mA signal can be scaled from almost any two input values to display any required engineering unit of measure
  • 4-20 mA input can display 50,000 or 60,000 counts.


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    900 McKay Road, Unit 2
    Pickering, Ontario
    Canada, L1W 3X8

    Phone: (905) 428-3413
    Toll Free: (800) 617-3413


    Do you have questions about how we can help your company? Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly.


    The SD-50X and SD-60XI are the ultimate advancement in ease of use from the company that developed the world’s first 4-20 mA loop-powered meters.

    These meters offer such features as lockable front panel scaling and calibration, any 4 to 20 mA signal can be scaled from almost any two input values to display any required engineering unit of measure. A 4-20 mA input can display 50,000 or 60,000 counts. The 6th or 7th digit can be selected to display °F, °C or an inactive extra zero from a dip switch at the rear of the case.

    With less than a 4 V loop drop, these meters can be inserted in the 24 V input loop excitation provided by the Lynx, Leopard and Tiger meter families. The optional 4-20 mA outputs from these meters can power several SD-50X or SD-60XI units as remote displays.

    The SD-802 has a dual 8-digit display with a 5.5mm high dot matrix LCD, it can act as a totalizer. Two totalizers are available. The totalizer calculates the running total of a process signal being metered by accumulating an input process variable over time. It can also retain peak and valley (min/max) information and recall this on the front

    n.b. Special meter inputs and scaling can be factory modified.

    • The SD series has a matching DIN case style and panel appearance that is complementary to the Lynx, Leopard and Tiger family of meters, except the depth behind the panel is only 15 mm (0.59”)
    • It makes an ideal extra or remote display as it can operate either in conjunction with the 4-20 mA loop input or operate from the 4-20 mA analog output of most Leopard or Tiger meters