Yokogawa 185 Series – Edgewise Panel Meters
No longer manufactured by Yokogawa
Yokogawa stopped manufacturing panel meters in 2017. Limited stock is available at Electro-Meters.
Our panel meter specialists can customize these meters to fit your applications.
- 2.5″ size
- Accuracy: ±2%
- ± 3% AC – rectifier type (60 Hz sine wave)
- Tracking: ± 1 1/2% DC
- Repeatability: ± 0.5% DC and rectifier type
- Dust-tight
- Shielded cover
- Stackable
- Orientation: Horizontal, Vertical or specified mounting angle
- Compact design provides the answer to “space” problems
- They can stand alone or be stacked in space-saving clusters
- UL models available
The 185 series of edgewise panel meters, are 2 1/2″ meters designed to handle applications where panel space is at a premium. The 185 series meters can be mounted in a horizontal or vertical orientation and can be flush mounted in space-saving clusters or with a bezel. They are accurate to within ±2% of full scale in DC and ±3% for AC. Unlike the 280 series, these meters have a thicker profile, providing a larger scaling area that translates into a higher resolution scale with large divisions and easily readable numerals. Special scaling and color swatches are possible for those applications that require complex scaling.
Available in these types:
- AC & DC Voltmeters
- AC & DC Ammeters, shunt rated or self contained
- Expanded scale meter
- Process (4-20 mADC)
- Frequency Meters
- Standard panel applications
- Instrumentation – manufacturing component
- Ideal for OEM and Retrofit applications